Patrick Dillon, BSE, BCEWS
Board Certified Environmental Wellness Specialist
Environmental Wellness is achieved by gaining an understanding of the dynamic relationship between humans and their environment with a specific focus on how these environmental elements affect our health.
Because each person is unique and what works for one may not work for another, I provide you with my customized extensive research, education, and personal experience tailored to your own unique circumstance to help enhance and expand the care of your doctor/provider. That said, your medical provider should always take precedence in the management of your healthcare and all information I provide you should be reviewed by your doctor before considering implementation.
I chose to pursue full board certification through the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners (AANWP). This certification requires strict professional and educational qualifications recognized as an expert in the field of Natural Wellness. Hopefully this will provide you with a better level of confidence in my ability to help you achieve better health.
Complementary Phone Consultation
For your convenience, I provide a complementary phone consultation for you to interview me and share your unique situation which helps determine if moving forward will work for all of us…
Click here to schedule a Consultation
We place an important emphasis on environmental concerns such as the toxic effects of Heavy Metals with mercury, arsenic, and iron overload at the top of our list.
Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN)
For Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT), Diabetic Education and Management, Diet and Meal Planning, we have a Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN) at your service with over 20 years of experience dealing with Hospital and outpatient care.
Our main focus is on the complex interrelationships in the following areas of concern:
Our Top 10 Areas of Focus:
- Heavy Metals – Specialized Lab Testing – Whole Body and Foods, Prevention, Health Impacts, Detox Pathways (Liver, Kidney, Skin, Lymphatic, Glymphatic Brain Detox)
- Dysautonomia (autonomic nervous system (ANS) disfunction) – Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Orthostatic Intolerance, COVID-19 Long Hauler Affects
- Iron Overload /Anemia – Breaking New Research to help manage
- Water, Food, Land, and Air – Lab Testing Available, the Organic Connection Researching Pure, Effective, and Quality Products, Microgreens, Hydroponic Growing
- MTHFR Genetic Mutation – Folinic Acid, MethylFolate, and other B Vitamins and Minerals though Natural Foods and Supplements Necessary for Managing the Complex Methylation Cycle
- Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF), and Radio Frequency (RF) – Potential Health Impacts from Home and Business Exposure
- Gut Health – Microbiome, Gut/Brain Axis
- Exercise, Full Body Posture Support, Importance of Outdoor Interactions in Nature, Scientific Based Natural Earthing and Grounding
- Nutrition, Gluten Free, Carbs, Calories, Protein, Histamine Intolerance, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Weight Management, Sports Management
- Solar Influences – Circadian Rhythm (Effects on Hormone Homeostasis such as Melatonin, Dopamine, Insulin, Glucagon, Cortisol, and Estrogen and the Glymphatic Brain detox system, Light Spectrum (Ultraviolet Radiation, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, and Near Infrared Light Therapy)
- Spiritual, Mental, Physical Wellbeing
Testing, Testing, 123…
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to implement a regular testing protocol whether it is related to our bodies through blood, urine, hair, and tissue analysis or testing for environmental factors such as heavy metals, mold, and other toxins found in the air, water, food, etc… along with testing for electromagnetic frequency (EMF), cell phone radiation (RF), carbon monoxide levels (CO), natural gas leaks, etc… in order to come out of the unknown and be in the known.
It takes the guesswork out of the equation and helps all involved determine the best path forward. This enables you and your provider to more efficiently and safely target areas of concern, and helps to keep us safer and better protected from the potential dangers all around us.
Testing is one of healthcare’s most valuable tools and something I continue to research. Choosing the right test can make all the difference.
Together as a team, our goal is to enlighten, educate, and motivate you to better health and quality of life…
Let’s Do This….
Update – Personal Health Testimony – Heavy metals testing in organic foods
I have recently conducted lab tests on a variety of organic foods that I have been eating on a regular basis. The results have been shocking. Because of these findings, I have been able to lower my heavy metal burden of lead and arsenic in particular. I have also been able to help my clients lower these neurotoxins from their bodies as well.
I plan to publish these findings in the near future to help everyone be more aware of just how contaminated our food supply really is…
Personal Health Testimony
From personal experience dealing with heavy metals, I have a particular interest in mercury and arsenic because I have been exposed to these potentially deadly toxins from eating too much contaminated fish, almonds, and rice. By eating a serving of wild caught cod from the coast of Alaska on a daily basis for 7 months, I began experiencing strange neurological symptoms.
Mercury Poisoning Symptoms
It started with extreme stiffness and irritation on the back of my neck, gradually spread to the rest of my neck and then up the sides of my face to my forehead. Fatigue and weakness set in throughout my body followed by ataxia affecting my motor skill functions, especially in my hands and legs along with some speech difficulty. Then a very irritating form of head pressure and “buzzy” feeling set in which I later referred to as “mercury head.” It was pretty scary stuff.
I finally had enough and went in for a complete blood workup including hair analysis. The culprit was heavy metal exposure in the form of mercury and arsenic as well as deficient copper levels (see story below).
I quickly went to work doing more research on heavy metal exposure. I found the Internet is flooded with information regarding how to treat mercury toxicity with many chelation protocols that could potentially cause more harm than good. The last thing I want is to redistribute the mercury to other parts of my body, especially my brain.
My mercury poisoning journey continues and has been a difficult one like with so many others who may not even know they are affected by this toxic metal. Improvements have been slow but steady with the first step eliminating the source of the contamination followed by improving the natural detox and final excretion pathways in my body which is critical before any chelation protocol is implemented. A great deal of discipline, patience, and medical guidance is required as this is a ladder approach climbing one rung at a time.
I do not feel it is prudent here to mention the various remedies I have found to be effective because each person’s situation is unique and what works for one may not work for another. Consistent exercise, eating a balanced organic diet especially foods that help promote good gut health and detoxification, staying well hydrated, and maintaining proper electrolyte balance have all been super important which is what we should be doing regardless of our situation.
But just eating organic foods is not enough to ensure it is free from heavy metals. I kept blood testing positive for lead and arsenic even though the mercury in my blood has gone below 1 ug/l. I couldn’t figure out where this was coming from so I decided to bite the bullet and pay for private lab testing for all the foods and drink I was consuming on a daily basis.
I was shocked to find out that pretty much everything I was eating was contaminated with Lead and Arsenic in particular.. I had stopped the mercury sources such a fish so that wasn’t an issue now. I stopped the foods most contaminated with lead and arsenic which were zucchini and natural salt and found other brands with less amounts but again, trying to find foods completely free from heavy metals was difficult if not impossible.
We have to eat to survive so I did my best and produced good fruits through my efforts. My next blood lab for heavy metals came out negative for both lead and arsenic for the first time in over a year so my body had finally reached a small enough level of heavy metals where it was able to properly detox without accumulating in my blood. It was a great relief to know I didn’t have to completely get rid of the heavy metals rather, by reducing them as much as possible. A good example of why blood testing for heavy metals is so important. It can tell you if what you are eating is contaminated. And another reason why eating a well diversified diet is so important which can be challenging for some like me with limited options.
Heavy metal chelation, or any other type of chelation, should always be approved by your medical provider’s guidance – this is definitely something you do not want to do alone. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek out additional information to help complement your care.
It is sad and unfortunate that mercury and other heavy metal contaminants have adversely affected our oceans and waterways throughout the world, even reaching the most remote and pristine areas of our planet…
The food chain starting with small plankton, is very efficient at cycling these heavy metals where it eventually becomes exponentially compounded as it moves up to the top of the food chain, i.e., shark, swordfish, tuna, other large predatory fish and animals.
We have to be careful what we eat, especially the quantity, because it is usually little by little that wins the race whether the outcome is good or bad for our health.
For more detailed information: EPA Mercury Health Effects
FDA Guidelines on Fish Consumption
The FDA has guidelines for fish consumption. They emphasis extra discretion when eating larger predatory fish because these fish often contain the most mercury. This approach is common sense but I don’t think they emphasize enough caution on consuming the lower mercury fish over a longer period of time. Again, little by little is how mercury can accumulate.
See link for more detailed information on this subject. EPA – FDA Advice About Eating Fish and Shellfish
Mercury Levels – Blood and Hair
Every individual reacts differently to heavy metal contamination, depending on genes, lifestyle, and overall health. Some individuals can have high levels of mercury in their blood and suffer no apparent side effects while others who are more sensitive may experience severe side effects at “normal” blood levels.
I know for myself, I suffered intense neurological symptoms with my mercury blood level at 10.6 ug/ml and my arsenic levels at 17 ug/ml. But according to my lab levels, I was still considered to be in the normal high range…
It is disturbing to me when most traditional labs consider mercury between 0 – 10 ug/ml in the normal range especially when many labs are required by law to report blood levels to state authorities above 5 ug/ml.
In reality, there is no “normal” or safe level of mercury or any other heavy metal in your body. Trying to get this level down to zero should be the goal.
Blood levels are only an indicator of recent exposure and do not necessarily determine how much mercury has been absorbed into your tissue. Unfortunately, mercury loves to bond to fatty tissue like those in our brain, kidneys, liver, and central nervous system.
My hair analysis revealed a more accurate picture with a reading of 2.4 ug/g with the high end of the lab range listed at < 0.8 ug/g. This showed that I had been exposed to mercury for several months causing my tissues to become overloaded. This was helpful information in determining the best path forward in treating mercury with the most obvious and important first step – STOPPING THE SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION!
According to research, hair analysis is best for determining methylmercury exposure found in fish.
– Interpreting Hair Mercury Levels in Individual Patients
Dr. Jane Hightower, Internal medicine specialist and her patients say they see direct relationship between fish consumption, high mercury levels, and bizarre ailments –
Mercury Policy Project Study with 24 people who were poisoned from eating too much fish.
CDC article illustrating how methyl-mercury in the human brain can be converted to inorganic mercury that cannot cross the blood brain barrier thus will remain in the brain for a long time.
CDC Article showing methyl-mercury in brain converting over to inorganic Mercury Causing long-term brain exposure…
Excellent article with link below showing how Methylmercury crosses the blood brain barrier:
Methylmercury Toxicology Probed – Seafood contaminant moves through the body, often posturing as benign molecule, by LOUISA WRAY DALTON, January 19, 2004
Mercury-Laced Dental Fillings (Amalgam)
Believe it or not the United States is still adding mercury to dental fillings where it has been banned in other countries due to safety concerns. This is why we probably have a silent mercury poisoning epidemic going in our country that may very well be responsible for many chronic health conditions. This is usually a low level source of contamination that may not be detected in blood or hair samples but may slowly accumulate in tissues potentially causing adverse symptoms.
Removing the source of mercury could prove to be prudent but caution needs to be taken making sure the dentist removing the amalgam(s) is fully certified in this type of procedure. The last thing you want is to make the situation worse.
From the FDA – Dental amalgam is a dental filling material used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay.
Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals, consisting of liquid (elemental) mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper. Approximately half (50%) of dental amalgam is elemental mercury by weight. The chemical properties of elemental mercury allow it to react with and bind together the silver/copper/tin alloy particles to form an amalgam.
Click on link for more info – FDA Dental Amalgam-Fillings
FDA recently issues recommendations for Mercury Amalgams for potential risks to certain high-risk individuals:
Team 3 Health, llc in-depth interview with world renowned leading mercury and Alzheimer’s researcher and expert, Boyd Haley, PHD BioChemist –
Evidence of Harm – a real eye opening documentary –
Seen in above Documentary, TV Anchor says Mercury fillings gave her Multiple Sclerosis and she got better after chelating for Mercury.
Mercury Exposure from Vaccines
The use of vaccines that contain mercury need to be carefully considered especially in children who are more vulnerable to mercury exposure. Thimerosal which is used in some vaccines contains ethylmercury and therefore is controversial. The CDC has since removed Thimerosal from children vaccines due to litigation from concerned citizen groups and the science that shows it can be harmful to some especially those who are immune comprised. Thimerosal is still found in certain vaccines such as the annual flu shot, however, there are mercury-free alternative options available today that in my opinion should be seriously considered.
General information about mercury exposure – EPA – Mercury Exposure in Consumer Products
Neurotoxicity of ethylmercury in vaccines – Toxicity of Ethylmercury (and Thimerosal): a Comparison with Methylmercury
CDC on concerns with Thimerosal:
Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations
Eating fish, having your teeth fixed, taking certain vaccines, or taking basic supplements on a regular basis can have negative, unintended consequences.
These are just a few important things every person should be aware of and fully educated on in order to make the best decision for you and your family’s health.
Zinc Supplementation, Wilson’s Disease, and Mercury Effects on Copper, Ceruloplasmin, and Iron
As mentioned above referring to my low copper levels, I was taking 30 mg of zinc per day prophylactically for the past couple of years in order to help prevent flu viruses especially now with Covid-19 present. The daily recommended allowance for zinc is approximately 10 mg for adults. Some researchers have found that staying under a maximum of 40 mg per day of zinc would be sufficient to prevent copper suppression and other potentially harmful effects. Unfortunately for me this may not have been the case?…
Zinc does seem to help prevent colds and viruses but zinc is also an antagonist to copper and prevents it from absorbing properly in the intestines. This doesn’t happen overnight; again it’s a little by little where copper levels are depleted without people like my self knowing it is occurring until it is too late.
The interconnection of all the vitamins and minerals in our body is complex. ceruloplasmin which helps deliver copper to the various tissues and organs among other functions is also adversely affected. Without adequate copper, ceruloplasmin starts to die off adversely affecting many crucial biological functions such as our brains and central nervous system including the myelin sheath which is the fatty protective coating surrounding the nerve fibers crucial for the proper functioning of our motor skill functions.
Ceruloplasmin is also very important for iron homeostasis as it helps transport iron to the various tissues of the body and when Ceruloplasmin is low a person can be either anemic or have too much iron like with me.
Having low copper levels are very similar to the side effects from mercury toxicity because both can result in these type of neurological deficiencies. But having copper toxicity can also cause these same symptoms. Although my copper serum levels were tested low I just recently learned that does not mean my tissue levels of copper in my brain or liver are low. My hair analysis test showed just the opposite – higher levels of copper being excreted which points to copper overload in the tissues.
Unfortunately I just wrote that off as related to having copper pipes in our home which can give a false high reading on the hair test. So at the agreement of my doctor I started supplementing copper at 2mg to try and help boost my ceruloplasmin levels which after 2 months finally worked at least a little from 16.5 to 20 so thought we were on the right path forward.
But 20 mg/dl was still within the lower end of normal and this battle went on for over a year between fluctuating ceruloplasmin levels going lower if I didn’t supplement copper.
When all this first occurred, I researched potential causes of low ceruloplasmin and found Wilson’s Disease (WD) which is a rare genetic disorder that causes copper overload in the liver, brain, and other organs. I brought this up to my doctor who told me how rare it is and the fact that it involves copper overload and my blood level for copper was low and I was still technically in the low end of the normal for both copper and ceruloplasmin. I did some more brief research on WD and found that to be true so we ignored that option.
Fast forward over a year later I am still having neurological issues (which can all be attributed to Mercury accumulation in my central nervous system) and my ceruloplasmin is still on the low end of normal along with low copper levels in my blood if I don’t supplement.
Because of this, WD is back into the equation….. My optometrist tested me for Kayser–Fleischer rings (accumulation of copper in the outer perimeter of the cornea) which was negative… I completed a 24 hour copper urine test which was well within range showing no signs of excessive copper dumping typically found in WD. I also completed a full genetic test panel for WD and 15 other potential variants that can cause iron overload or anemia and was negative for WD but did test positive for heterozygous Hemotomocrosis which is usually benign for most cases but less than 2% can become symptomatic so I guess I am one of the unfortunate lucky ones but at least I know now. I tested for Hemochromatosis nearly a decade ago and was negative so it can be beneficial to retest as lab errors can result and today the technology is more sensitive…
One of the main surprises through all my research has turned out to be poor postural effects. I have had poor posture habits throughout my life especially when using cell phones and computers. After getting several MRI’s the effects can be seen on my cervical spine where I have lost my natural curve in my neck to the point of a reversal. This can cause many adverse side effects with head pressure and other neurological issues I have been experiencing. So now that I know, it is never too late to stop the damaging effects of poor posture and start rehabbing the damage done.
Good posture is very important for all ages groups and technology has taken a severe toll on our health relating to bad postural effects on our bodies. Because of this, we need to take this seriously and do what we can to help improve our posture in all aspects of life.
And once again, the importance of testing such a the use of MRI’s and conducting blood tests when you supplement, because the body is a fine tuned, very complex life-form that can be thrown out of balance if not being prudent.
And as one process is affected so are many others because they are all interconnected.
When copper is deficient, ceruloplasmin can become deficient leading to other issues such as iron irregularities where either anemia or iron overload can result because ceruloplasmin not only helps regulate copper but it also helps maintain iron homeostasis throughout the body.
When I became symptomatic from low copper, my iron levels more than doubled from my previous blood test taken less than a year ago.
This was a wake up call for me and the need to test more frequently and to be more cautious with what type of supplements I take and more importantly, what quantity and how often I should take them…
A good example is vitamin C which is an essential nutrient but if you have high iron you have to be careful taking it with your meal because vitamin C helps iron absorb more efficiently, and I have learned that vitamin C can also decrease copper levels. It doesn’t necessarily mean I stop taking vitamin C but rather I strategically time its intake by making sure it’s been several hours before or after a meal.
The same goes for supplementing zinc, making sure I’m also supplementing copper if my levels have been clinically tested low and making sure both zinc and copper are taken at different times of the day, preferably 6 hrs apart, to help reduce the conflict.
Click on link for good case example and detailed information – Zinc-Induced Copper Deficiency
That said, we have to be very careful supplementing copper because it can become toxic if taking too much, thus the need for testing under the direction of your medical provider on a regular basis is paramount.
And then all this ties back to my heavy metal overload where we need to be extra careful chelating mercury, arsenic, and other heavy metals because many traditional chelating agents such as DMSA and EDTA also chelate essential minerals such as copper. Fortunately, I have been able to extensively research and find some helpful alternative chelation remedies despite all the challenges I face.
To address my iron overload I chose using natural food based iron chelators as my first remedy and then look to phlebotomy or bloodletting if needed at least for the short-term as this is the most efficient way to reduce iron levels for those who can tolerate it. For some with more extreme iron overload, pharmaceutical grade iron chelation can also be helpful but again all forms of chelation can affect other minerals and nutrients needed by your body to function properly. The key again, slow and steady wins the race. Patience and good science is crucial here always remembering that we all have unique situations…
Hopefully the above examples emphasis the complexity of this all and the need to have expert help and guidance with all information provided by me and other sources ultimately going through the direction and care of your medical provider.
I would welcome the opportunity to work with you and help navigate through some of these complex issues necessary in part to achieve better health…
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
My services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Please consult with your medical healthcare practitioner before implementing any new protocols and supplements suggested here. Do not construe any information listed on this site as a substitute for actual medical advice. The information you receive from me is not intended to replace medical advice by your doctor. Team 3 Health, LLC does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. We offer information to help you support your health. The support and information offered by Team 3 Health, LLC is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice from your provider. If you have a medical condition, see your physician and have them review all information received from Team 3 Health, LLC prior to implementing.